Feature Request: Better Sorting Options For "Popular" Tag Search Results?
2007-08-09 09:29:14 UTC

This may seem like a really simple/dumb question, but here goes...

It would be really neat if you could sort the search results on the
"del.icio.us/popular/(tag name)" page in descending order by number of
people who have saved them. I find it odd that they seem to be in no
particular order. On the "del.icio.us/tag/(tag name)" page they seem
to be sorted by most recent which makes sense, but when you switch to
"popular" view, the "saved by xxx people" numbers jump around.

I suppose this would only be truly helpful if the "popular" page
yielded more results which brings me to my next question. Why are
there so few "popular" bookmarks on the results page? I know it's
supposed to be "tagged recently" popular items, but how do you
determine the shelf-life of bookmarks? It would be cool to have a
search option that would yield "lifetime" popular results. Sort of
like an archive. I just think it would be nice to have several pages
of content to browse whenever I click the "popular" link for a certain
tag. I'm sure there are people out there like me who are new to sites
like del.icio.us and are interested in discovering websites that have
long-since been forgotten by daily users.

To summarize, a nifty drop-down menu with search options such as this
would be out of this world:

sort by: newest first
sort by: # saves (recently)
sort by: # saves (lifetime)

You could even include the option of sorting the results by ascending
or descending value for any of the attributes.

Do you guys get what I'm trying to say? I'm not too familiar with
web/computer lingo so it's difficult for me to explain myself. I hope
this post doesn't get ignored because of its "newbie" approach. In
fact I would actually be surprised to hear that these options had
never been explored before, as they seem pretty common. So on that
note if there's some reason as to why this wouldn't be ideal I would
be interested in hearing it.

Thanks for reading!

Drop Beats Not Bombs.
- Traci
Joshua Schachter
2007-08-09 22:19:51 UTC
They're generally sorted by the # of recent saves (which is the metric
that gets them on the page, not total saves)

We're going to rework how popular works, so I think it will act more
like you expect in the future.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 2:29 AM
Subject: [ydn-delicious] Feature Request: Better Sorting
Options For "Popular" Tag Search Results?
This may seem like a really simple/dumb question, but here goes...
It would be really neat if you could sort the search results on the
"del.icio.us/popular/(tag name)" page in descending order by number of
people who have saved them. I find it odd that they seem to be in no
particular order. On the "del.icio.us/tag/(tag name)" page they seem
to be sorted by most recent which makes sense, but when you switch to
"popular" view, the "saved by xxx people" numbers jump around.
I suppose this would only be truly helpful if the "popular" page
yielded more results which brings me to my next question. Why are
there so few "popular" bookmarks on the results page? I know it's
supposed to be "tagged recently" popular items, but how do you
determine the shelf-life of bookmarks? It would be cool to have a
search option that would yield "lifetime" popular results. Sort of
like an archive. I just think it would be nice to have several pages
of content to browse whenever I click the "popular" link for a certain
tag. I'm sure there are people out there like me who are new to sites
like del.icio.us and are interested in discovering websites that have
long-since been forgotten by daily users.
To summarize, a nifty drop-down menu with search options such as this
sort by: newest first
sort by: # saves (recently)
sort by: # saves (lifetime)
You could even include the option of sorting the results by ascending
or descending value for any of the attributes.
Do you guys get what I'm trying to say? I'm not too familiar with
web/computer lingo so it's difficult for me to explain myself. I hope
this post doesn't get ignored because of its "newbie" approach. In
fact I would actually be surprised to hear that these options had
never been explored before, as they seem pretty common. So on that
note if there's some reason as to why this wouldn't be ideal I would
be interested in hearing it.
Thanks for reading!
Drop Beats Not Bombs.
- Traci
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