feature request: RSS feeds that summarize better
2007-07-16 00:40:14 UTC
Dear del.icio.us developers,

A friend of mine mentioned today how it's not much fun to read his
del.icio.us/network RSS feed using Google Reader or Bloglines, because
each posting takes up so much space on the screen, and the
chronological ordering makes it hard to follow what a friend is
bookmarking about.

I agreed, and we got to talking about how it would be cool if there
was a new kind of del.icio.us feed that summarized the recent events
in fewer postings. Like, one post that describes the *kinds* of things
each friend has recently been bookmarking (mini tag-cloud for each
friend?). And another post that has all the links, but batched
together in one post, organized within that post on a per-user basis,
and generated every N hours or every N links or whatever.

What do you think?

Thanks, Matt
Joshua Schachter
2007-07-17 01:21:44 UTC
So, a daily summarized feed? I'll add that to the todo list.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 5:40 PM
Subject: [ydn-delicious] feature request: RSS feeds that
summarize better
Dear del.icio.us developers,
A friend of mine mentioned today how it's not much fun to read his
del.icio.us/network RSS feed using Google Reader or Bloglines, because
each posting takes up so much space on the screen, and the
chronological ordering makes it hard to follow what a friend is
bookmarking about.
I agreed, and we got to talking about how it would be cool if there
was a new kind of del.icio.us feed that summarized the recent events
in fewer postings. Like, one post that describes the *kinds* of things
each friend has recently been bookmarking (mini tag-cloud for each
friend?). And another post that has all the links, but batched
together in one post, organized within that post on a per-user basis,
and generated every N hours or every N links or whatever.
What do you think?
Thanks, Matt
Yahoo! Groups Links
Joshua Schachter
2007-07-17 18:10:01 UTC
It occurs to me that if we did this, it would necessarily

A) require an actual per-date URL (which we don't currently have, but
B) require a daily item to get pushed to the feed only after that day
has passed -- otherwise feed updates would cause stutter in many feed
readers (not everyone supports rss2 guid-alikes, alas)

Still seems doable, though...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 5:40 PM
Subject: [ydn-delicious] feature request: RSS feeds that
summarize better
Dear del.icio.us developers,
A friend of mine mentioned today how it's not much fun to read his
del.icio.us/network RSS feed using Google Reader or Bloglines, because
each posting takes up so much space on the screen, and the
chronological ordering makes it hard to follow what a friend is
bookmarking about.
I agreed, and we got to talking about how it would be cool if there
was a new kind of del.icio.us feed that summarized the recent events
in fewer postings. Like, one post that describes the *kinds* of things
each friend has recently been bookmarking (mini tag-cloud for each
friend?). And another post that has all the links, but batched
together in one post, organized within that post on a per-user basis,
and generated every N hours or every N links or whatever.
What do you think?
Thanks, Matt
Yahoo! Groups Links