Jason Calacanis thinks you'll love Mahalo Follow
2007-08-27 16:31:35 UTC
Jason Calacanis (***@calacanis.com) has invited you to try Mahalo Follow, a browser extension for Firefox that helps you find better search results. You can download the extension here:


Mahalo is a human-powered search engine that creates organized, comprehensive, and spam-free search results for the most popular search terms. Mahalo's search results only include great links.

Mahalo results are amazing and the Mahalo Follow browser extension lets you see human-powered results right next to Google and Yahoo's results so you can judge for yourself!

All you have to do is install Mahalo Follow and continue to use your current search engine. Mahalo Follow will make sure you never miss great Mahalo results.

Here's the link again:

Learn more about Mahalo: www.mahalo.com/Mahalo_FAQ
