Sorted RSS
L Ellis
2007-06-29 14:09:45 UTC
Is there a website/RSS service that will consume the del.icio.us feed
and then give you a new URL for the sorted feed?

I don't want to have register each tag url to do this, as I am posting
the resulting RSS in several webpages which I am passing tag variables.

Also willing to take alternate suggestions to do this efficiently.

Alexander Skwar
2007-07-02 08:21:01 UTC
Post by L Ellis
Is there a website/RSS service that will consume the del.icio.us feed
and then give you a new URL for the sorted feed?
This sounds like a good task for Yahoo! Pipes -> http://pipes.yahoo.com/.

Alexander Skwar
Larson, Timothy E.
2007-07-03 20:15:49 UTC
Post by Alexander Skwar
Post by L Ellis
Is there a website/RSS service that will consume the del.icio.us feed
and then give you a new URL for the sorted feed?
This sounds like a good task for Yahoo! Pipes ->
http://pipes.yahoo.com/. <http://pipes.yahoo.com/.>
Neat idea. That would certainly mitigate (but not eliminate) the need
for Del to add decent sorting capabilities of its own.

Tim Larson
InterCall, a subsidiary of West Corporation
Eschew obfuscation!