Saved tag changes fail to persist
Tobias C. Brown
2007-06-13 15:59:59 UTC
My saved tag changes fail to persist! When I change a bookmark tag and Save the
change, the new tag immediately appears to "stick", however when I reload the
page, the change disappears.

Very oddly, if I change a tag within the Netvibes Del.icio.us module, the change
does persist. But that's a very cumbsome area to update tags in compared to
editing bookmarks directly in my account area.

/enhan222 (but actually the problem occurs with all 6 of my accounts, across all
browsers, and on different machines.

I've found no evidence that of others having a similar problem.


Tobias Brown
Toby Elliott
2007-06-13 20:13:44 UTC
Post by Tobias C. Brown
My saved tag changes fail to persist! When I change a bookmark tag and Save the
change, the new tag immediately appears to "stick", however when I reload the
page, the change disappears.
Very oddly, if I change a tag within the Netvibes Del.icio.us module, the change
does persist. But that's a very cumbsome area to update tags in compared to
editing bookmarks directly in my account area.
/enhan222 (but actually the problem occurs with all 6 of my accounts, across all
browsers, and on different machines.
I've found no evidence that of others having a similar problem.
Quick clarification here - do you mean that the tags attached to the
bookmark revert, or that the sidebar tags revert?

(the latter I might have an explanation for, but the former would leave
me thoroughly mystified).

Toby Elliott
Tobias C. Brown
2007-06-14 11:14:28 UTC
The tags in the bookmark revert. The sidebar tags are okay.

This occurs with all six of my del.icio.us accounts, across all browsers (Opera, IE,
Firefox) and on multiple computers.)

As things ALWAYS seem to go, very strangly this moring, the problem is not
occuring, after a year+ of working around this problem by editing tags from within
the Netvibes del.icio.us module. Very strange.

I'm waiting to replicate the problem... Hmm.

And it's also very odd that we have the same rare name,

What a strange way to start this morning. My del.icio.us bookmarks work now,
magically fixed by...

Tobias (Toby).
Post by Toby Elliott
Post by Tobias C. Brown
My saved tag changes fail to persist! When I change a bookmark tag and Save the
change, the new tag immediately appears to "stick", however when I reload the
page, the change disappears.
Very oddly, if I change a tag within the Netvibes Del.icio.us module, the change
does persist. But that's a very cumbsome area to update tags in compared to
editing bookmarks directly in my account area.
/enhan222 (but actually the problem occurs with all 6 of my accounts, across all
browsers, and on different machines.
I've found no evidence that of others having a similar problem.
Quick clarification here - do you mean that the tags attached to the
bookmark revert, or that the sidebar tags revert?
(the latter I might have an explanation for, but the former would leave
me thoroughly mystified).
Toby Elliott
Britta Gustafson
2007-06-14 17:40:39 UTC
Post by Tobias C. Brown
The tags in the bookmark revert. The sidebar tags are okay.
This occurs with all six of my del.icio.us accounts, across all browsers (Opera, IE,
Firefox) and on multiple computers.)
Were you editing bookmarks that had Flickr thumbnails? Those bookmarks
have an old problem where edits made in the inline interface don't get
saved - you have to click "full-screen edit" to change their tags.

I also find that when I'm editing the tags of regular bookmarks and my
connection is slow, the changes occasionally don't get saved.
"Full-screen edit" is also a workaround in those cases.

