Anyone know what's wrong with del.icio.us this morning?
2007-06-13 14:37:48 UTC
And this is the type of issue that causes users to switch services...


HTTP/1.1 999 Unable to process request at this time -- error 999
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Toby Elliott
2007-06-13 18:57:19 UTC
Post by Chris
And this is the type of issue that causes users to switch services...
The page you got usually happens when we see a flood of queries from a
particular IP. Did you run any software or helpers that might have
tried crawling delicious?

Please send me you IP address off-list and we'll look into it.

Toby Elliott
2007-06-15 12:19:05 UTC
Hi Chris,

I've been seeing the same problem with del.icio.us modules on iGoogle
for a few weeks. See Thread

Do you mind if I ask how you were using del.icio.us when you got that
error message? I'm trying to understand why this is happening so I can
suggest some alternatives to del.icio.us other than shutting off the

Post by Chris
And this is the type of issue that causes users to switch services...
HTTP/1.1 999 Unable to process request at this time -- error 999
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