Database Corrupted?
Martin Pratt
2007-05-20 18:44:45 UTC
Surely an excellent example of when you should be backing up your own data?

Sat May 19, 2007 4:25 am (PST)

All my tags are gone, on 1,500+ links. Any one has the same problem?
I just posted a note on the support form, hope I get my data back,
else it will really be a good example on how you put your trust on an
online system and you just wake up and don't have anything left!

David Sapiro - ***@pilotsystems.net <david%40pilotsystems.net>
Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris
Tel : +33 1 44 53 05 55 - http://www.pilotsystems.net
Hébergement Zope et Plone gratuit - http://www.objectis.org

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David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
2007-05-20 23:48:20 UTC
Post by Martin Pratt
Surely an excellent example of when you should be backing up your own data?
Well, not really: I try to rely as much as possible on online systems
because I don't want to store and manage my data locally. I don't
have the time / organization to deal with this. So if using online
bookmarking for example impose the same burden as having my data
locally, then I'll reconsider my choice ;)

I have a lot of photos on Flickr. Should I write a script that saves
all the data locally everynight? I prefer to pay for the service. Or
to work with a provider that can run properly a back-up system and
recover data.


Post by Martin Pratt
Sat May 19, 2007 4:25 am (PST)
All my tags are gone, on 1,500+ links. Any one has the same problem?
I just posted a note on the support form, hope I get my data back,
else it will really be a good example on how you put your trust on an
online system and you just wake up and don't have anything left!
Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris
Tel : +33 1 44 53 05 55 - http://www.pilotsystems.net
Hébergement Zope et Plone gratuit - http://www.objectis.org
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Yahoo! Groups Links
David Sapiro - ***@pilotsystems.net
Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris
Tel : +33 1 44 53 05 55 - http://www.pilotsystems.net
Hébergement Zope et Plone gratuit - http://www.objectis.org
Stephane Bortzmeyer
2007-05-21 08:32:05 UTC
On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 01:48:20AM +0200,
Post by David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
Post by Martin Pratt
Surely an excellent example of when you should be backing up your own data?
Well, not really: I try to rely as much as possible on online systems
because I don't want to store and manage my data locally.
Manage it locally, OK, I understand, but *store* it locally is, IMHO,
a *must_do*. It is not only the risk of del.icio.us crashing and
losing data, it is also the risk of del.icio.us going bankrupt,
changing its policy, its business model, etc.

This is your data, trust noone with backing it up.

On Unix, the simple command-line:

wget -O bookmarks-at-delicious --http-user=ME \
--http-passwd=MYPASSWORD \

is enough to store a complete copy locally. You can put this command
in cron and forget it afterwards, apart from random checks from time
to time.
David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
2007-05-21 09:48:20 UTC
Post by Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 01:48:20AM +0200,
Post by David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
Post by Martin Pratt
Surely an excellent example of when you should be backing up your own data?
Well, not really: I try to rely as much as possible on online systems
because I don't want to store and manage my data locally.
Manage it locally, OK, I understand, but *store* it locally is, IMHO,
a *must_do*. It is not only the risk of del.icio.us crashing and
losing data, it is also the risk of del.icio.us going bankrupt,
changing its policy, its business model, etc.
This is your data, trust noone with backing it up.
Hehe, we have slightly different ways of seing this kind of service.
Post by Stephane Bortzmeyer
wget -O bookmarks-at-delicious --http-user=ME \
--http-passwd=MYPASSWORD \
is enough to store a complete copy locally. You can put this command
in cron and forget it afterwards, apart from random checks from time
to time.
Sure. I follow your POV. And will do this backup ;)

David Sapiro - ***@pilotsystems.net
Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris
Tel : +33 1 44 53 05 55 - http://www.pilotsystems.net
Hébergement Zope et Plone gratuit - http://www.objectis.org
Joshua Schachter
2007-05-21 17:55:23 UTC
There's also bookmarks.html-style export under settings.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:32 AM
Subject: [ydn-delicious] Re: Database Corrupted?
On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 01:48:20AM +0200,
Post by David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
Post by Martin Pratt
Surely an excellent example of when you should be backing
up your
Post by David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
Post by Martin Pratt
own data?
Well, not really: I try to rely as much as possible on
online systems
Post by David Sapiro - Pilot Systems
because I don't want to store and manage my data locally.
Manage it locally, OK, I understand, but *store* it locally is, IMHO,
a *must_do*. It is not only the risk of del.icio.us crashing and
losing data, it is also the risk of del.icio.us going bankrupt,
changing its policy, its business model, etc.
This is your data, trust noone with backing it up.
wget -O bookmarks-at-delicious --http-user=ME \
--http-passwd=MYPASSWORD \
is enough to store a complete copy locally. You can put this command
in cron and forget it afterwards, apart from random checks from time
to time.
Yahoo! Groups Links
sheila miguez
2007-05-22 14:55:13 UTC
I use this method to backup data and figure that if the worst ever happens I
can write something to parse it and store the information locally. or could
re-use what someone else has already written. or brute force with grep.
Post by Joshua Schachter
There's also bookmarks.html-style export under settings.

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sheila miguez
2007-05-22 14:58:16 UTC
Oh, forgot to add -- I store the file locally but also mail it to
myself to get stored offsite. Hence a while back I asked for a feature
on teh export page where it would mail the result to the accout's
Post by sheila miguez
I use this method to backup data and figure that if the worst ever happens I
can write something to parse it and store the information locally. or could
re-use what someone else has already written. or brute force with grep.
Post by Joshua Schachter
There's also bookmarks.html-style export under settings.