mobile del.icio.us -- and long load times
Matthew Weymar
2007-05-30 18:54:37 UTC
I second interest in this ... with the caveat that I have enough trouble
accessing del on my (reasonably powerful) ThinkPad T60p.

To wit, my page - http://del.icio.us/userX - takes a whopping 83.891s to
load acc. to Fasterfox's Page Load Timer -- IMHO, a looooong time!

As a result, I almost never use "Del.icio.us, the website," preferring
instead "Del.icio.us, the extension."

Unfortunately, the extension restricts my access to certain social
networking aspects of del.icio.us - e.g., "Saved by X other people..." But
then again, this returns me to one of my old pet peeves: Joshua's (at least
past) insistence that Del.icio.us is intended as a mnemonic tool only, as
opposed to a social networking service.

In any case, my point is that I am not sure that facilitating mobile access
to del.icio.us should be as high a priority as facilitating easier straight
web access.

I was wondering if there is anything in the works for an official "mobile"
del.icio.us? Where I can check others links? add to my del.icio.us? check
my network? stuff like that? I would love to have something like that.
IM: jeffisageek (yahoo) | IM: jeffisageek (MSN)
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Iván Santiesteban
2007-05-30 19:03:52 UTC
Do you select the option "use minumun: 5" to only display tags you have used
in at least five instances? Having so many tags is probably what's causing
such a slow load time.

You could also try trimming your tags, but I know that would be a lot of

Post by Matthew Weymar
I second interest in this ... with the caveat that I have enough trouble
accessing del on my (reasonably powerful) ThinkPad T60p.
To wit, my page - http://del.icio.us/userX - takes a whopping 83.891s to
load acc. to Fasterfox's Page Load Timer -- IMHO, a looooong time!
As a result, I almost never use "Del.icio.us, the website," preferring
instead "Del.icio.us, the extension."
Unfortunately, the extension restricts my access to certain social
networking aspects of del.icio.us - e.g., "Saved by X other people..." But
then again, this returns me to one of my old pet peeves: Joshua's (at least
past) insistence that Del.icio.us is intended as a mnemonic tool only, as
opposed to a social networking service.
In any case, my point is that I am not sure that facilitating mobile access
to del.icio.us should be as high a priority as facilitating easier straight
web access.
Post by Matthew Weymar
I was wondering if there is anything in the works for an official
Post by Matthew Weymar
del.icio.us? Where I can check others links? add to my del.icio.us?
Post by Matthew Weymar
my network? stuff like that? I would love to have something like that.
IM: jeffisageek (yahoo) | IM: jeffisageek (MSN)
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Matthew Weymar
2007-06-01 18:18:29 UTC
Wow, Iván!

Who knew about that!?...

That saves a lot of time on the load -- and if I ever want to go back to "1"
for some reason, I can, on an "as needed" basis.


I definitely don't follow this list "religiously," but I wonder whether this
- and other similarly beneficial features? - may be escaping the notice of
others as well?...

Thanks. This is a big help.

Post by Iván Santiesteban
Do you select the option "use minumun: 5" to only display tags you have used
in at least five instances? Having so many tags is probably what's causing
such a slow load time.
You could also try trimming your tags, but I know that would be a lot of
Post by Matthew Weymar
I second interest in this ... with the caveat that I have enough trouble
accessing del on my (reasonably powerful) ThinkPad T60p.
To wit, my page - http://del.icio.us/userX - takes a whopping 83.891s to
load acc. to Fasterfox's Page Load Timer -- IMHO, a looooong time!
As a result, I almost never use "Del.icio.us, the website," preferring
instead "Del.icio.us, the extension."
Unfortunately, the extension restricts my access to certain social
networking aspects of del.icio.us - e.g., "Saved by X other people..."
Post by Matthew Weymar
then again, this returns me to one of my old pet peeves: Joshua's (at least
past) insistence that Del.icio.us is intended as a mnemonic tool only,
Post by Matthew Weymar
opposed to a social networking service.
In any case, my point is that I am not sure that facilitating mobile access
to del.icio.us should be as high a priority as facilitating easier straight
web access.
Post by Matthew Weymar
I was wondering if there is anything in the works for an official
Post by Matthew Weymar
del.icio.us? Where I can check others links? add to my del.icio.us?
Post by Matthew Weymar
my network? stuff like that? I would love to have something like that.
40gmail.com> <jeffisageek%
Post by Matthew Weymar
Post by Matthew Weymar
IM: jeffisageek (yahoo) | IM: jeffisageek (MSN)
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2007-07-13 11:24:08 UTC
Use http://del.icio.us/user?setminposts=500 to access the delicious
After entering the page, you can click on "use minimum: 1, 2, 5" in
tag options column to set preferred tag display decimation count.

The "setminposts=" parameter is also remembered by delicious so the
next time you enter http://delicious.com/user without "setminposts"
parameter, it's still in effect.

When your setminposts parameter is very big, the "tags" and "related
tags" will not display at all. This saves RAM and time to load the

I also find that Firefox 1.5 can load the page faster than Firefox
2.0, or MSIE based browsers like Maxthon. This was one reason I
remain with Firefox 1.5.

Maxthon or MSIE gets slower and slower after browsing many pages with
loads of scripts, like microsoft spaces.live.com, google groups,
delicious.com and restarting the browser can solve the problem.
Seems caused by memory leak in the script handling? MSIE even get
stuck at the very ugly spaces.live.com blog pages.

Suggestion to delicious.com:

Should display limited number of tag clouds and related tags, say, 20
or so, and add a link to retrieve the whole set.
Post by Matthew Weymar
I second interest in this ... with the caveat that I have enough trouble
accessing del on my (reasonably powerful) ThinkPad T60p.
To wit, my page - http://del.icio.us/userX - takes a whopping
83.891s to
Post by Matthew Weymar
load acc. to Fasterfox's Page Load Timer -- IMHO, a looooong time!
As a result, I almost never use "Del.icio.us, the website,"
Post by Matthew Weymar
instead "Del.icio.us, the extension."
Unfortunately, the extension restricts my access to certain social
networking aspects of del.icio.us - e.g., "Saved by X other
people..." But
Post by Matthew Weymar
then again, this returns me to one of my old pet peeves: Joshua's (at least
past) insistence that Del.icio.us is intended as a mnemonic tool only, as
opposed to a social networking service.
In any case, my point is that I am not sure that facilitating
mobile access
Post by Matthew Weymar
to del.icio.us should be as high a priority as facilitating easier straight
web access.