Account Throttling and 503 Errors
David Zahler
2008-01-14 16:54:10 UTC
I have been working on an aggregator for a client that allows them to
combine their blogger's delicious posts to a consolidated links list
under Moveable Type.

what we have been running up against is what appears to be throttling,
not from individual API calls but calls to multiple accounts. I am able
to retreive mayby two or three accounts worth of posts and then the aPI
starts returning 503s.

Has anyone else run into this type of issue?
Toby Elliott
2008-01-17 00:18:51 UTC
Are you making calls to posts/all?

Because of the heavyweight nature of that call, we have to heavily
restrict it's usage, and issuing multiple calls in a short period of
time will get you blocked by the API. If you are looking to
consolidate recent posts, I'd encourage you to check out the posts/
recent api call. If that's the one that's getting you blocked after a
couple of hits, please let me know and we'll look into it.

Toby Elliott
Post by David Zahler
I have been working on an aggregator for a client that allows them to
combine their blogger's delicious posts to a consolidated links list
under Moveable Type.
what we have been running up against is what appears to be throttling,
not from individual API calls but calls to multiple accounts. I am able
to retreive mayby two or three accounts worth of posts and then the aPI
starts returning 503s.
Has anyone else run into this type of issue?
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