mobile del.icio.us
2007-05-30 18:03:08 UTC

I was wondering if there is anything in the works for an official "mobile"
del.icio.us? Where I can check others links? add to my del.icio.us? check
my network? stuff like that? I would love to have something like that.


mailto: ***@gmail.com | web: http://www.jeffisageek.net
IM: jeffisageek (yahoo) | IM: jeffisageek (MSN)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
tobutaz at gmail
2007-05-30 19:50:36 UTC
Post by Jeff
I was wondering if there is anything in the works for an official "mobile"
del.icio.us? Where I can check others links? add to my del.icio.us? check
my network? stuff like that? I would love to have something like that.
It's not much, but if you just want the RSS feeds - say, for your
network and subscriptions - you can use http://xfruits.com/
My English is poor, but my tailor is rich
Britta Gustafson
2007-06-02 19:27:49 UTC
There are a couple of existing options for using del.icio.us on a
mobile device - they're not quite what you're looking for, but may be
useful anyway:

http://del.icio.us/help/html - HTML feeds are a simple way of viewing
your bookmarks.

http://mobilicio.us/www/ - Mobilicious is an unofficial service that
provides a simple view of your links and puts them through Google's
Mobile Search tool.

Post by Jeff
I was wondering if there is anything in the works for an official "mobile"
del.icio.us? Where I can check others links? add to my
del.icio.us? check
Post by Jeff
my network? stuff like that? I would love to have something like that.
IM: jeffisageek (yahoo) | IM: jeffisageek (MSN)
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